Dashboard - Color Codes

Dashboard - Color Codes

This tutorial will teach you about the information displayed on your Dashboard as well as how to understand the Color Coding that is used. 

Your Dashboard is used to give a visual overview of your shop floor's efficiency. Color Coding helps give visual cues so that you can easily recognize which machines are running, and which ones are not running or are in down-time. They can also help you recognize which users are meeting their efficiency rates and whether they have inspections due. 


Information Displayed 

For each Machine you have created in your system, your Dashboard will display the following information: The Machine NameMachine Number, the Job Number, the Operator running the job, and the operator's Efficiency. If the machine is running it will display the time until the Next Inspection. If the machine is in Down-Time, it will display the Downtime Code


Color Codes 

Box Color 

The background and border color of the machine box indicates whether a machine is running or is in Down-Time. 

Green: Machine is running job(s)

Gray: Machine is not running any jobs 

Orange: Machine is in Down-Time 


Highlight Color 

The highlighting color of the machine efficiency indicates whether or not an operator is reaching their efficiency goals. The next inspection highlight color will indicate whether an inspection is waiting for the next inspection, if its inspection is past due, or if no inspections are expected (for example: if the machine is not running or is in Down Time). 

Efficiency highlight 

Green: Operator is meeting efficiency rate 

Gray: Operator has not yet run a job to know efficiency 

Red: Operator is below efficiency rate 


Next Inspection/Down-Time highlight

Green: Operator has time until next inspection 

Red: Inspection is past due 

Gray: No job running 

Orange: Machine is in Down-Time


Green Box: Machine is running

Green Highlight (Efficiency): Operator efficiency is good

Green Highlight (Next Inspect): No inspections past due

Green Box: Machine is running

Red Highlight (Efficiency): Operator efficiency is low

Green Highlight (Next Inspect): No inspections past due

Orange Box: Machine is in Down Time

Gray Highlight (Efficiency): No inspections run

Orange Highlight (Down Time): Machine is in Down Time

Gray Box: Machine is not running any jobs

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