Customizing Your Dashboard

Customizing Your Dashboard

This tutorial will teach you how to set up and use your Dashboard. The Dashboard is used to display all of your Machines, along with Production information related to the machine. This allows you to get a quick, visual overview of your shop floor and see which machines are running or are in down-time. 

To start, click the Dashboard button from your Home Menu. 

This will bring you to your Dashboard view page.


Click the Dashboard button at the top of the screen to display the drop-down menu.  

From here, you can click Edit Layout, to move the placement of machines on your Dashboard view, switch to Mobile View, or click Hide Navbar to toggle the Navigation at the top of the screen off, so you can get a larger area of view for your layout. 


Toggle Navigation

You can toggle the visibility of the Navigation Bar at the top of the screen. If your Dashboard will be left in a central location such as a display for the office or the shop floor, you may wish to keep this navigation hidden and display only your Dashboard view.  



Your Dashboard can be edited to create a layout of your shop floor. Click Edit Layout , to make changes to your Dashboard layout. 

Your Dashboard button will indicate that you are in Edit mode. To move a machine, simply click and drag the machine box to the desired location. When you are finished, click the Dashboard button again and then click Save. If you would like to return to the normal Dashboard view without saving any changes, click Dashboard and then click Cancel


Mobile View

Your Dashboard can be optimized for use on a mobile device. Click Mobile View, to view your Dashboard in a mobile friendly version.

This view is not editable and machines will display in a set grid view. Use this page if you would like to view the Dashboard on smaller devices like small tablets and mobile phones. To return to the normal, customized view, click Dashboard and then click Desktop View



You have now customized your Dashboard! 


You can click Home to return to your Main Menu.

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