Create Downtime Codes

Create Downtime Codes

This tutorial will teach you how to create and manage Downtime Codes. Downtime codes represent different reasons a machine is not producing parts. 

To start, click Downtime Codes from your Home Menu.


This will bring you to a list of your Current Downtime Codes.

From here you can CreateEdit, or View Archived Downtime Codes.


To create a downtime code, click the Create New Code button. You will then be brought to the Create page.

Note: Downtime Codes are displayed Name - Number on the Production page.


First, enter a unique Name for this downtime code.

Then there is the option to add a Number, which can be an abbreviated version of the name. It can also be left blank.


Approval Required

When this box is checked the operator will need a supervisor to approve their attempted downtime

Note Required

When this box is checked the optional note in downtime will no longer be optional and will stop the operator if they attempt to end downtime without including a note.

Show In Reports

When this box is checked that will include this Downtime Code in the downtime report in the reporting section. Otherwise all downtime records linked to this code will not appear in the downtime report.


Max Uses Per Shift

This number will represent the number of times an operator can use this downtime code in a single shift. If this number is 0 then there will be no cap and can be used as needed. Possible reasons for putting a maximum number of uses on a downtime code may include limiting an operator to 1 lunch use and 2 break uses.


Maximum Time Per Use

This time will represent the maximum amount of time an operator can go on this downtime for before it stops counting. Any extra time operators will not receive credit for and it will factor into their efficiency. If the time is not set then operators may go as long as they would like to.


To attach email groups, click the Attach Email Groups button.

A list of all your email groups will pop up and you can check the boxes next to the email groups you would like to attach. Click the Confirm button to save this list.

Attaching an email group to a downtime code means whenever an operator goes on this downtime an email will be sent out to all groups attached.


Once finished filling this page out click the Create button.

Your new downtime code will be added to the list.



You have created a new downtime code!


You can now create more codes as needed. When you are finished click the Home button to return to the Main Menu.

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